Not to pull the curtain back too far here… but Jonathan is the one writing this biography. He finds it awkward having to refer to himself in the third person, but seeing as that’s what everybody seems to be doing, he’ll play along.  And no, he would not jump off a cliff, he’s got too much going on to consider that. 

This is the part where he opens strong, going on about how he was mentored by Oscar winners Vilmos Zigmond and Laszlo Kovacs. Hoping that the legendary cinematographers had sprinkled some of their Genius Dust ™ he went off into the world as a director of photography shooting films, docu-series, and music videos… But something was missing. The narcissist in him thought “I can direct”. 

For the past decade Mr. Bensimon (too much?) has been directing and serving as his own cinematographer (he really has a passion for this stuff and has found a unique way for him to blend the two crafts.)  His visual style has allowed him to work in multiple genres, all the way from comedy to documentary. 

Jonathan has been lucky enough to travel the world working in film, TV and advertising. He’s won a number of awards along the way, but still no Oscar, Palm D’or, Lion, or Emmy. So, until then, he regards awards as meaningless and superficial. Nonetheless, after writing this bio, and considering the amount of visually poetic (i.e. artsy-fartsy) images he creates Jonathan feels like, maybe he does deserve to refer to himself in the third person. Jonathan is presently childless, splitting his time between L.A. Toronto and Montreal  –  where he is constantly creating to fill the void. 

Siri, read that back to me.